Mount NTFS Partition Or Drive At Startup With User As Owner In Ubuntu & Linux

Posted By Weston Ganger

I had a shared NTFS drive that I wanted auto-mounted at system startup for easy access through my user account. Heres how to set this up:

# Make sure ntfs-3g package is installed
sudo apt-get install -y ntfs-3g

# Open /etc/fstab as root
# Add the following line, Assuming your partition is 'sda3' and the desired mount folder is 'my_ntfs_partition'
/dev/sda3 /media/my_ntfs_partition ntfs-3g exec,permissions,auto 0 0

# Mount the partition
sudo mount /media/my_ntfs_partition

# Change the mount points owner to your user
sudo chown myuser:myuser /media/my_ntfs_partition

Now it will be auto-mounted on startup, ready to be accessed.

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Article Topic:Software Development - Linux

Date:June 23, 2016