Server Side Validation With AngularJS & Rails

Posted By Weston Ganger

Getting server side validation in Angular shouldnt need to be difficult. Here we have a directive that can make our task very easy.

You shouldn't need to change anything in your controllers, respond_with or returning json model.errors would do the trick.

First we will create our directive:

myApp.controller('UserCtrl', function($scope, UserService){
  $ = function(user){
    $scope.errors = {}; // clean up server errors

        // do stuff on success
      }, function(result){
        // Error function. Server will return something like: { errors: { username: ["Must be unique"] } }
        angular.forEach(, function(errors, field){
          // notify form that field is invalid
          $scope.form[field].$setValidity('server', false);

          // store the error messages from the server
          $scope.errors[field] = errors.join(', ');

Now you have your server side errors working for you.

Note: This does not handle base errors.

** Thanks to Monterail team for this directive + setup

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Article Topic:Software Development - Javascript

Date:July 03, 2015